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I just made this the other day. I'd forgotten how much I liked it. My 5-year-old said, "It looks like dog throw-up." She's right, it did, but it tasted much better than dog throw-up.
I couldn't find an actual recipe for this. Everyone just said to add whatever you want. This is what I did and it was tasty:
16 oz. bag of split peas
1 onion chopped
1 can carrots, or about 2 carrots sliced
1-3 C. ham cubed, or leftover ham bone
2 bay leaves
Montreal steak seasoning
Put peas in large pot and cover with a couple inches of water. Add bay leaf, some thyme, seasoning, any other spices that sound somewhat appealing. Also add ham and onion.
Bring to boil and let simmer about 2 hours. Keep an eye on it. You may need to add more water as it cooks. If you used a ham bone, pull it out and get all the meat off it you can. Add carrots, and cook until they're tender.
Place about half the soup in a blender and blend until smooth, then mix back in with remaining soup.
Serve with lots of cheese, or a dallop of sour cream. Also very good with whole wheat bread.